Re: [Xen-users] Research -> do participate.....
anant wrote:
> Hi all,
> This is simple research on the present situation of having windows OS on top
> of XEN.
> I have got to know that RedHat or SuSE etc doesnt support Windows as a guest
> OS even if its fully virtualized.
> But documentation over the net says that there are many people who have
> successfully installed Windows OS on top of XEN, having LINUX as a host OS(i
> am not sure about which linux version).
> So if you have got any information, even if you have not implement it, do
> comment and those who have successfully installed it then do share it like
> on which Host system it worked and all .
> But as far as i know after lot of research that in coming year by end of
> march RedHat, SuSE would support windows as a guest OS.
I recently (last week) attended a seminar with Novell/SuSE/Xen
people here in Sweden, and after a bit of arm-twisting, they
admitted that they (read SLES = SuSE Linux Enterprise) are
planning to actually support Windows DomU's sometime late
quarter one next year. This was mentioned as one positive
(side-) effect of the recent Novell-Microsoft agreement
(or whatever it's called). At the same time they admitted to
the fact that there's no serious problems known at this time,
i.e. any recent Windows version should run just fine in a Xen
DomU (as is proved by lots of people on this list).
Mind you, I haven't had time to test it myself yet.
Just my 2 cents...
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