Re: [Xen-devel] [FW: FYI: The plan for Xen kernels in Fedora 9]
On Mon, 2007-12-10 at 19:31 -0500, Chuck Short wrote:
> I would appreciate the git tree and Im pretty sure that members of the
> Ubuntu community would as well.
OK, although the fact that the tree is getting rebased means that it
will not behave like a traditional git tree in some ways.
I'll probably reorganise the tree for public consumption, with the
master branch just being Linus's main kernel HEAD, and the patch queues
coming off that as separate branches. That way we won't run into
trouble with repeated pulls; and the full latest version is always going
to be available on the full-history branch anyway (albeit with all the
historical baggage on that branch.)
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