[Xen-devel] Re: Unofficial Xen 2.0 debian packages kinda broken
Brian Wolfe wrote:
> On Sat, 2004-10-23 at 09:31, Nuutti Kotivuori wrote:
>> What I have considered doing for a while is to make wrapper around
>> make-kpkg and the kernel directory with a curses UI that would
>> lessen confusion about what operations can be done next and what
>> options need to be passed to all commands and all that. A bit like
>> how debian-installer looks like.
> Interesting... I wonder if that could be adapted to provide an
> interface for xlb as well. If you write it, how much trouble would
> it be to have it just parse a menu/action/dep config file to know
> what to present? Or is there a package out there like this in
> existance already?
Well, making the tool is not high on my to-do list, so no need to
consider these matters yet too thoroughly.
Apparently somebody else has thought about something similar as I
stumbled upon this in the experimental debian archive:
Package: sourcerer-kernel-builder
Description: automatically build new custom kernels on source upgrades
Sourcerer-kernel-builder tracks changes in the kernel-source,
kernel-patch and kernel-modules packages and rebuilds kernel-images
with a custom configuration whenever packages relevant to it change.
Sourcerer-kernel-builder also provides a frontend to manage those
custom configuration alowing users to choose what patches and modules
they want included.
> My goal is to get xlb working enough that I can then use it to
> generate unofficial kernel images that have options set as closely
> to the official debian kernel-image packages as possible.
Standard Xen kernel images would be really nice, yes.
> side note, I just had some of the debian packaging specifics related
> to versions explained to me by Keybuk on irc.oftc.net
> #debian-devel. I've been mucking the package versions even worse
> than I thought. sooo I *think* I have the version stamps figured out
> finally. :)
> xen_2.0-0.$(bk_patchlevel)-$(deb_version)
> Once in stable mode, it'll become xen_2.0-$(deb_version)
Um. Can you have two dashes in package versions? I thought there was
only one dash and it was to separate the debian version from the
upstream version.
If you wish to have the bk_patchlevel in the upstream version part and
still get the upgrade nicely, I think one needs to do the ugly ugly
format used by several packges.
But like said, these aren't the official packages yet, so versioning
doesn't really matter - 2.0-1 should be the first official package and
that matters.
-- Naked
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