Re: [Xen-devel] Please help on Xen installation
> Hi Keir,
> I think if it's not too trouble, it will be more user friendly to have a
> parameter such as 'noautoreboot' or 'debug=level' to pass into the kernel.
> And it will hang or print more info if something wrong.
Right. Either you can pull the latest bk repository from bkbits.net
and build it yourself, or you can take the Xen and Xenolinux images
prebuilt from:
The former is a replacement for your current 'image.gz'. The other is
a replacement for your 'xenolinux.gz'.
Specify 'noreboot' on Xen's command line. You will then get some
useful info out. Even better would be a complete listing of Xen
output. This would require you to have a second computer and connect
it via a null modem cable.
As for your other machine (which gave you random characters on teh
serial output) you need to set ser_baud to teh same baud rate that
GRUB is using. You'll then get useful output from that machien to find
out why it too is rebooting.
> I have the source codes downloaded from sf. I look forward to having your
> patch and some instructions. And if you need help on the FAQ or manul
> please let me know I am learning anyway.
If you'd like to create a Linux-style HOWTO then that would be very
useful. As develoeprs of the system, it's very difficult for us to get
a newcomer's perspective on teh problems of setting up a Xen-based
Keir Fraser
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