Re: [Xen-devel] Please help on Xen installation
> You are right that host doesn't have video card. It's one of many
> "barebones" (is this the right term?) in a cluster on the shelf. I
> accessed it by telnetting to a terminal server. There might be conflicts.
> Do you recommend to install Xen on a regular machine?
We generally do all our debugging on a rack of machines that we
access via a RS232 terminal server. However, each of the machines
has a VGA device even if we haven't got a monitor connected to
it. (many BIOSes won't let a machine boot without a graphics card
of some description).
Unfortunately, Xen doesn't check to see that a VGA is present
before writing to it. I guess this is a bug.
Have you got a machine where you could download the source tar
ball and rebuild Xen? If so, disabling VGA console output is easy.
> BTW, is there a user manual somewhere?
I'm afraid the only `documentation' is currently the xen-devel
archives and README.CD / README. We're working on a FAQ, and will
hopefully develop some proper documentation in due
course. Perhaps some kind users will contribute ;-)
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