Re: [Xen-devel] A dumb question
On Thu, Oct 09, 2003 at 04:38:17PM +0100, Rolf Neugebauer wrote:
> the "hosting kernel" is the virtual machine monitor (or hypervisor) Xen.
> You can build it from source by typing 'make' in the xen directory of
> the source distro.
> The readme should contain information on how to set up grub to boot xen
> and the first virtual machine (domain 0) running xenolinux.
Thanks Rolf, it works very fine.
I'm now struggling with another stupid bit : I don't seem to be able
to mount a vbd device in domain 0. I was able to create the vd, but
the java source doesn't seem to allow to mount a vbd in domain 0. For
a good reason, probably.
What I'm trying to do is basically :
- create a virtual drive
- populate it with a live linux fs and distro (from domain 0)
- booting a xenolinux on this virtual drive
I have another, more general question : why are the tools based on a
java front end ? As far as I understand, the java stuff just calls the
low level C stuff. The java build and runtime environnement looks even
uglier, when in presence of the nice Xen "do it light and fast" stuff.
Nicolas Bougues
Axialys Interactive
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