[Xen-users] Re: Problem with gplpv under Windows XP
Am 19.04.2009 um 10:34 schrieb Fajar A. Nugraha:
Is there a particular purpose for you to resend your email without any
additional info?
Yes - only you received that mail as my reply to the list got killed
because I sent it from the wrong account.
In the meantime, I tried CentOS 5.3, but it locked up the pc when
starting X. So I setup OpenSuse 11.1 with the packaged Xen 3.3.1.
Tests with dd gave more or less the same results as in Ubuntu, 196 MB/
s instead of a little more than 200 in Ubuntu.
Testing XP on LVM (with and without the latest gplpv driver) gave the
same results I had with Ubuntu.
So I installed CentOS 5.3 to a HVM (1 vCPU, 512 MB RAM, LVM with 20
GB). It came up with the pv drivers right after installation - nice.
But the results of the dd-test (with a 16 GB File) were rather
disappointing. Two tests showed 86 and 91 MB/s.
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