Re: [Xen-users] Improve performance of domain U
Hey all...thanks for the awesome replies.
> So if I understand correctly, if i use GNBD i should not put swap.
> Does iSCSI work better then GNBD and would I be able to put
> swap and improve performance?
No, I am saying that it would be better to have swap on a real local
harddrive. Neither GNBD nor iSCSI.
Now the question is with swap being on the LVM(/dev/sda2), will there
be any problem with my migration using GNBD? I am running my GNBD on
the domain 0 and export the drives and then import on the other
> Also I wanted to know if there are any good xen managment
> tool available. I got enomalism. Has anyone tried this? Or is
> there any other good xen management tool?
command line xen. :D
I also love the xm tool :) But want kindda want some other management tool.
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