[Xen-devel] Re: 1850/2850 hangs under I/O load
Replying to the list, I forgot to reply all to the last emial:
You are correct of course. Trying to do too many things at once...
I set some aside some time, got my xen versions all sorted out, and
did a little testing. It looks like this fixes the problem for my
server in the 2.0.6 and 2.0-testing (not sure if there is any
difference between the the two at this point but I thought in couldn't
hurt to test). However, unstable from last nights tar ball still hangs
although it to take a little longer to do so. Let me know if there is
anything else I can test.
Thanks you, and sorry for the earlier ACPI "crazy talk". :)
On 7/13/05, Keir Fraser <Keir.Fraser@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 13 Jul 2005, at 20:13, David H wrote:
> > I have some supermicro systems with the same chipset/problem as the
> > 1850/2850. This patch appears to fix the problem for me. I could
> > always hang the server by using scp to copy a large file. I have been
> > able to scp this file 10 times without a hang!! However, it looks
> > like we lose ACPI. Is that the expected outcome?
> This is great to hear. Also, the patch cannot possibly have any effect
> at all on use of ACPI -- what makes you think ACPI usage has changed?
> Maybe you are using a different kernel config?
> -- Keir
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