Re: [Xen-API] Query regarding XCP and Apache XML RPC
On 09/27/2011 06:23 AM, medhavini buchade wrote:
I am doing a final year engineering project on auto provisioning. A
portal will be created on which users can come and specify the
requirements or select any specification from catlogue provided.
Portal will then provide user with the virtual machine of required
specifications (Operating system like Linux or Windows, any hardware
spec.). XCP will be used for creating virtual machines. Portal will be
developed using java. Since XCP does not provide java bindings I am
thinking of using Apache XML RPC. As I am new to all these concepts
can anyone tell if this approach is fine? Can anyone suggest any other
approach? Also can any one please tell where I can find XSD for XCP
Thank you very much.
XML-RPC is a standard protocol, so I'm sure that Apache's implementation
will be fine for your purposes. Any library that lets you interface with
XML-RPC will be fine, actually.
You may want to check out XenServer's Java bindings:
http://community.citrix.com/display/xs/Download+SDKs . XCP and XenServer
share the same code base, and XCP 1.1 is equivalent to XenServer 5.6
SP2. If you follow that link, you'll find Java bindings about halfway
down the page.
By XSD, do you mean the XML schema for the API? I don't think we have
anything that specific for XenAPI, but you will probably be fine with
just following the API docs:
http://docs.vmd.citrix.com/XenServer/5.6.0sp2/1.0/en_gb/api/ . There are
also a few example programs that use Python:
http://community.citrix.com/display/xs/XenServer+Python+API+Samples .
Good luck with your project!
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