Re: [Xen-users] Paravirtualization
On 4 November 2010 14:53, Thomas Halinka <lists@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> Am Donnerstag, den 04.11.2010, 13:16 +0000 schrieb Dermot:
>> Hi,
>> I am new to virtualisation and am a bit lost.
>> I have a shinny new server that must run CentOS 5.5. I need to create
>> a VM of an Ubuntu sever to run as the main guest. I wanted to use
>> paravirtualisation as I read it's can perform better. The bit that I
>> am getting stuck on is forcing the virt-install to use
>> paravirtualisation and the installation distribution location. I have
>> a iso image mounted and shared via http. I can browse the installation
>> tree. It looks the same as the one here:
>> http://mirror.bytemark.co.uk/ubuntu/dists/maverick
>> I have tried giving virt-install different path parts to install from
>> but I always get the error that the installation distribution is
>> invalid.
>> Can anyone help understand what the installation requires please?
> never tried virt-install with debian and derivates, but i would
> recommend to use the "netinstall-method" provided by the
> debian-installer
> Just put
> http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/xen/xm-debian.cfg
This config seems to work. I added the xm create arguments
install-arch=amd64 otherwise it will default to i386.
> in e.g. /etc/xen/lucid.cfg
> edit the vif= and disk=-lines to your needs.
> and start the the installation
> xm create -c lucid.cfg install=true
> and ur done
I am indeed. Thank you very much. Does paravirtualisation always
require a network install? And why?
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