Re: Problem with gplpv under Windows XP (was: Re: [Xen-users] Is LVM re
On Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 8:37 AM, Tim Kaufmann <tim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> - did you try Linux HVM with PV drivers? How is disk and network
>> performance there?
> not yet
Is there a particular purpose for you to resend your email without any
additional info?
IMHO testing Linux HVM with PV driver is one way to determine where
the problem is.
If Linux HVM with PV drivers doesn't work or have low performance,
then it's unlilkely GPLPV will perform better. If this is the case
then most likely your setup (or Ubuntu packages) is at fault.
If Linux HVM with PV drivers work well but GPLPV does not work or have
low performance, then possibly the bug is in GPLPV. From my experince
so far this is unlikely to happen though (at least not with Windows XP
and 2003 32bit domU).
Sorry I can't help you more. If you're still stuck you might have
better luck with other distro (like RHEL/Centos) or other
virtualization products (preferably one with commercial support, so
you can complain to their tech support and receive immediate response
:) )
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