Problem with gplpv under Windows XP (was: Re: [Xen-users] Is LVM really
I did some more testing:
1) Reinstalled Windows XP (from XP SP1a disc as before), but upgraded
to SP2 instead of SP3, no gplpv:
Five tests with dd if=/dev/zero of=./test1024M bs=1024k count=1024
conv=fsync resulted in various speeds between 45 and 61 MB/s.
Copying from samba share to local disc via GBit-Ethernet: 10 MB/s
2) #1 with gplpv_fre_wxp_x86_0.10.0.50.msi
dd: 5.3 MB/s
Instead of copying from samba to local hd (where speed would be
limited by the underperforming hd), I copied from one samba share to
another, reading and writing 400 MB in 25 seconds.
3) #1 with only the pci and network driver from
Copying from samba share to local disc via GBit-Ethernet: 28,5 MB/s
Conclusion: There's a problem in the gplpv scsi and/or vbd drivers and/
or in the combination of those with my Xen-Setup. What can I do now?
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