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[Xen-users] domU hardware access

To: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Xen-users] domU hardware access
From: "Luca Lucchesi" <shacky83@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2007 20:09:43 +0100
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I need to let some domU to access to some PCI card installed on the dom0.
The domUs are using the same kernel of the dom0 (2.6.18-3-xen-686) and Xen was installed with apt-get on Debian Etch. The hardware I need to access on the domUs are a DAT drive, a DVB-s SAT TV card, an AVM ISDN card, and the dom0 recognised all of these devices correctly and is using the correct kernel drivers. Can I let one domU to access to one PCI card, and another domU to another one?
Could you help me, please?

Thank you very much!

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