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Re: [Xen-users] Fedora 6 DomU creation problem

To: "Gary W. Smith" <gary@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] Fedora 6 DomU creation problem
From: "Henning Sprang" <henning_sprang@xxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 7 Jan 2007 13:42:27 +0100
Cc: Jim Lynch <jim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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On 1/7/07, Gary W. Smith <gary@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Maybe I'm just confused.  I have found documentation on the net that
says to do things one way and other documentation that says do it
another.  I've been told not to use distro's and compile from source,
In a lot scenarios, today's distribution packages are O.K. - that
wasn't so some months ago.
That said, I've treid a lot but have  not been succesful running
Debian on Fedora when using their Xen Kernels. Getting SuSE to work
was hard, but finally I made it.

Prior to using xen we have been using (without problem) VMWare Server.
Sometimes commercial products are a viable choice in a business
environment - until you try to fix a bug that makes your project get
stuck, or find out the inner workings :)

Basically I need to be able to run the following OS's

Fedora 5
Debian Sarge
CentOS4 2.6.9

We have been successfully running rPath Dom0/DomU.  In fact, this is
what sold us on rolling out Xen.  It takes just minutes to get the
DomU's installed.

I've now spend almost a week trying to get various DomU's installed
under Fedora 6.  That is, DomU's that aren't fully virtualized.

Is there a recommended path to doing this?
Debian: debootstrap. but as said, never got it to work on Fedora 6
native Xen Binaries. With selfmade or xensource Binaries it works.

Fedora and Centos should be possible to bootstrap with yum, in the
paravirtual setup you don't have the grub problem descrinbed in
another mail.

 I tried using the files from
jailtime.org and they seem to work for centos until we do something like
a yum update them world flips up side down.
I's not use the jailtime images for production. I don't know excatly
who made them and how they are built. I want to know exactly how my
images are built to be able to reproduce them.

I don't might creating a kernel for each of the distro's and called it
external using the kernel parameter.  My problem is that I seem to need
modules that aren't present in the distro as inline modules which would
require me to either compile a crap load of stuff inline (such as all of
the iptable modules, tun, etc) or to create those as modules and drop
them in the DomU and reference it from the external kernel.  At that
point it's the same as running grub.
I think  don't get your idea here. When you need special modules in a
paravirtual envirment, you have to build your own xen linux kernel,
When building any of the drivers as modules, you need the modules in
the domu filesystem, also clear.
But to boot you can still use the matching kernel and boot it from the
dom0 system, no problem.
You can also, if you like, use grub - but in paravirtual setups yoiu
don't use normal grub, but pygrub (of which I don't know a lot, it can
be seen in VM build by fedora virt-install, it basically parses a domU
disk for a grub config and runs the appropriate kernel).



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