RE: [Xen-users] Fedora 6 DomU creation problem
Maybe I'm just confused. I have found documentation on the net that
says to do things one way and other documentation that says do it
another. I've been told not to use distro's and compile from source,
My problem is that I really need to keep with a couple distro's for some
of our apps. To fix that problem we are currently running those
distro's in a fully virtualized environment.
Prior to using xen we have been using (without problem) VMWare Server.
Basically I need to be able to run the following OS's
Fedora 5
Debian Sarge
CentOS4 2.6.9
We have been successfully running rPath Dom0/DomU. In fact, this is
what sold us on rolling out Xen. It takes just minutes to get the
DomU's installed.
I've now spend almost a week trying to get various DomU's installed
under Fedora 6. That is, DomU's that aren't fully virtualized.
Is there a recommended path to doing this? I tried using the files from
jailtime.org and they seem to work for centos until we do something like
a yum update them world flips up side down.
I don't might creating a kernel for each of the distro's and called it
external using the kernel parameter. My problem is that I seem to need
modules that aren't present in the distro as inline modules which would
require me to either compile a crap load of stuff inline (such as all of
the iptable modules, tun, etc) or to create those as modules and drop
them in the DomU and reference it from the external kernel. At that
point it's the same as running grub.
Any suggestions?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: xen-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:xen-users-
> bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Jim Lynch
> Sent: Sunday, January 07, 2007 2:27 AM
> To: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [Xen-users] Fedora 6 DomU creation problem
> Gary W. Smith wrote:
> > Henning,
> >
> > I have tried the yum install a couple times and it seems to build
> > everything but when I'm done it doesn't seem to have grub installed.
> > I wanted to install a fully virtualized instance this way is there a
> > simple way to install the boot loader via yum?
> >
> > When I install grub via yum it only installs
> >
> > Any ideas?
> >
> > Gary Wayne Smith
> >
> >
> Are you wanting to install grub on a domU kernel? Why?
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