Re: [Xen-users] Proposal for a xen-users(/devel?) netiquette
"Henning Sprang" <henning_sprang@xxxxxx> wrote on 09/19/2006 01:21:19 PM:
> 1) don't add legal privacy disclaimers to your mails - they tend to
> have more than 10 lines, and they aren't useful at all to solve
> technical problems with xen (and, by the way, also don't help to keep
> any business secret!)
Most people don't add these directly. They are added by the organization's
mailing software. Users don't have a way to turn them off. I don't like
them either, but they will not go away easily. I doubt any user wants to
tangle with the organization's IT shop, email policies, and lawyers to have
them removed. :(
My suggested rule:
13) Be sure to copy the list when you reply so that everyone can see the
complete discussion of the issue.
Steve D.
Xen-users mailing list