RE: [Xen-ia64-devel] E100 emulator is ready
Quoting "Zhang, Xing Z" <xing.z.zhang@xxxxxxxxx>:
> >Tristan.
> I have a question about current VGA driver in GFW.
> There are three driver relative files --- vgainit.c vgaclass.c vgaminiport.c.
> All the driver entry point such as PciVgaMiniPortDriverEntryPoint() are
> commented. The reason is no EfiLibInstallAllDriverProtocols() function called
> by driver entry in version 2398 of EDK2, which is current GFW base on. But
> without the entry point function, how these drivers are installed?
> Why I have this question is Intel's GFW use VgaMiniport driver with some
> other logic, and windows can get high color show.
VgaInit just setup the vga card (initialize registers and load a font).
It doesn't install any protocol.
VgaMiniPort publish a protocol to drive a VGA card.
VgaClass is a layer to install SimpleTextOut on VgaMiniPorts
*EntryPoint are commented because the entry point function is created by the
build tool. They also automatically install all protocols. See created files
I don't know how things are supposed to work. My hypothesis is:
* Windows knows nothing about the Cirrus, ie all the work must be in the GFW.
* Currently the graphic drivers are not compiled (no UGA, no GOP).
* I suppose windows enable graphics during EFI phase. And I think GOP is
The edk2 contains a Cirrus driver. I suppose both GOP and UGA are supported.
I had tested it.
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