Re: [Xen-devel] Problems with Xend on ia64.
El 15/02/11 04:02, KUWAMURA Shin'ya escribió:
> Hi Julio,
>>>>>> On Mon, 14 Feb 2011 09:01:17 -0430
>>>>>> jortega@xxxxxxxxx("Julio C. Ortega") said:
>>> I confirmed that the following changeset works on RHEL4U2:
>>> - xen-4.0-testing.hg 21452:996f7815b070
>>> - linux-2.6.18-xen.hg 1016:5bccfba3e847
>> Im unsure as how to get these changesets, if you could point me in the
>> right direction, i would be most welcome.
> You can use `-r' option to specify the changeset.
> e.g.
> hg clone -r 1016 http://xenbits.xen.org/linux-2.6.18-xen.hg
> Thus, you can build xen and dom0 kernel on ia64 using the following
> procedure:
> hg clone http://xenbits.xen.org/xen-4.0-testing.hg
> hg clone -r 1016 http://xenbits.xen.org/linux-2.6.18-xen.hg
> cd xen-4.0-testing.hg
> make
> # Because xen-4.0-testing.hg 21452:996f7815b070 is the latest changeset,
> # The `-r' option can be omitted in the case of xen-4.0-testing.hg.
> Best regards,
Hello Shin'ya
I really appreciate your help.
With these changesets Xend worked on ia64!
Thanks for helping me!
Kind regards and have a nice week.
If you need any other information don't hesitate to ask it.
Julio C. Ortega
Coordinador Técnico y del Equipo de
ONUVA | Integración de Sistemas
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