I'm trying to boot a PV guest using the "old method"
of passing kernel= and ramdisk= and it appears to
work fine with a "small" initrd but not with a "large"
one. (Small is 4MB, large is 154MB.) I'm sure both
of the initrd's are properly gzip'ed etc. Unpacked,
the large one approaches 400M.
By doing some kernel startup debugging, it appears
that the large initrd never finds its way into memory.
Or at least not completely or properly.
So I'm guessing that the "old method bootloader"
is having problems with the large initrd. Silently,
I think, as I can't find anything that looks like errors
in /var/log/xen/domain-builder-ng.log.
Should this be expected to work? Has anyone else
been successful with a large initrd doing this?
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