RE: [Xen-devel] [RFC][PATCH] add tlsf option for xmalloc
> > Note that this is compile-tested but not run tested yet. I
> > thought I'd get feedback on the approach before I get much
> > further.
> The approach is fine as far as I'm concerned. It should just
> replace the
> existing xmalloc.c of course: no point in keeping the old one around.
> Therefore may as well put the whole implementation in
> xmalloc.c, or call it
> xmalloc_tlsf.c if you're really keen to keep the name of the
> algorithm in
> the file name (in which case xmalloc.c should be entirely deleted; or
> perhaps temporarily make it a build option which .c file gets built if
> really worried that the new xmalloc implementation may have
> subtle bugs and
> we'd like to be able to revert for testing).
> Structure definitions and the like which are private to TLSF
> should live at
> the top of the .c file: I prefer that to the <xen/*_int.h>
> approach as it
> keeps private non-shared stuff all in one place.
Sounds good.
You may note that the tlsf files borrowed from Nitin Gupta use Linux-style
indentation/formatting. One of my reasons for not merging the tlsf
allocation with xmalloc is I was too lazy to reformat ;-) Do I need
to do that or can I leave it as is or do you have a tool that will
auto-reformat it to meet the Xen style requirements?
P.S. Posted patch boots fine.
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