Re: [Xen-devel] PATCH: Remove execute permission from xend-debug.log
Keir Fraser wrote: [Tue Apr 24 2007, 06:08:16PM EDT]
> On 24/4/07 22:45, "Aron Griffis" <aron@xxxxxx> wrote:
> >>> The file /var/log/xen/xend-debug.log is currently being created with
> >>> executable permission bits set. This is because the os.open() method
> >>> defaults to using a mode of 0777 if no third parameter is provided.
> >>> The attached patch changes the mode to 0600 to ensure that the file
> >>> permissions come out as -rw------- instead of -rwxr-xr-x
> >>
> >> Doesn't os.open default to 0777 & ~umask? Doesn't seem like xend
> >> should be overriding root's umask
> >
> > Seems that the patch should be using 0666 instead of 0600 so that
> > umask can affect group/other perms. At the very least it should use
> > 0664.
> Xen-debug.log is the only file in /var/log/xen getting created with
> +x permissions, so something is obviously up. Arguably we can get
> rid of xend-debug.log entirely -- I don't believe anything ever gets
> logged there these days. I took the patch because 0600 seems saner
> than 0755.
It doesn't make any real difference to me, just thought I'd bring up
the umask question before the patch was committed... though at this
point it's in staging, so I guess I was too late. ;-)
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