Re: [Xen-devel] PATCH: Remove execute permission from xend-debug.log
On 24/4/07 22:45, "Aron Griffis" <aron@xxxxxx> wrote:
>>> The file /var/log/xen/xend-debug.log is currently being created with
>>> executable permission bits set. This is because the os.open() method
>>> defaults to using a mode of 0777 if no third parameter is provided.
>>> The attached patch changes the mode to 0600 to ensure that the file
>>> permissions come out as -rw------- instead of -rwxr-xr-x
>> Doesn't os.open default to 0777 & ~umask? Doesn't seem like xend
>> should be overriding root's umask
> Seems that the patch should be using 0666 instead of 0600 so that
> umask can affect group/other perms. At the very least it should use
> 0664.
Xen-debug.log is the only file in /var/log/xen getting created with +x
permissions, so something is obviously up. Arguably we can get rid of
xend-debug.log entirely -- I don't believe anything ever gets logged there
these days. I took the patch because 0600 seems saner than 0755.
-- Keir
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