Re: [Xen-devel] Serial console problem with Xen 3.0
On Wed, 2006-04-05 at 00:40 -0400, Amitayu Das wrote:
> 1. I can boot normal Linux FC4 kernel and direct its output to serial
> console (and see the messages in a separate monitor) using the options
> as mentioned in the grub.conf.
> If I do the exactly the same (meaning, whatever you can see as
> uncommeted lines in the xen-related portion of the grub.conf),
> I can't see the messages in the separate monitor.
Right, because you commented out the xen.gz com1=... line, so there's no
HV serial console. You need that enabled.
> 2. If I uncomment the third line in the following:
> # kernel /xen.gz dom0_mem=131072 com1=9600,8n1
> then Xen even does not boot up.
I've seen this a lot --- for me, adding "sync_console" to that xen.gz
line cures it. Does that help for you?
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