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[PATCH] network -> network-bridge rename WAS: Re: [Xen-devel] RE: help w

To: Ian Pratt <m+Ian.Pratt@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [PATCH] network -> network-bridge rename WAS: Re: [Xen-devel] RE: help with bugs
From: Nivedita Singhvi <niv@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 04 Aug 2005 17:07:45 -0700
Cc: xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Sean Dague <sean@xxxxxxxxx>
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Ian Pratt wrote:

BTW: I'd like to see a few changes in the way this stuff works anyhow.

Firstly, rename network to network-bridge.
Ian, I had started something along these lines. Just for grins,
resubmitting a freshly regenerated patch that just does above.

Next, I'd make it such that it's possible to have multiple
network-script lines, each with parameters e.g. something like:
I started this - but it became less than desirable to stick
all of this into xend. That is, what I was thinking was - we
simply point the tools to a configuration file that's a top
level script, and hide all of the meat of the work inside those
scripts. If we change the syntax, we wouldn't require a change
to the tools, would be one advantage.

(network-script ( network-bridge ( bridge xen-br0 ) ( netdev eth0 ) ) )
(network-script ( network-bridge ( bridge xen-br1 ) ( netdev eth1 ) ) )
[having multiple interfaces should result in multiple vif0.x and vethX

And then the vif-script along with default parameters e.g.

( vif-script ( vif-bridge ( bridge xen-br0 ) ( antispoof no ) ) )

Do others agree?
Could someone work up a patch?
Or we could do the above..

Signed-off-by: Nivedita Singhvi (niv@xxxxxxxxxx)

diff -urN xen-unstable-0804/tools/examples/network 
--- xen-unstable-0804/tools/examples/network    2005-08-03 20:53:24.000000000 
+++ xen-p1-0804/tools/examples/network  1969-12-31 16:00:00.000000000 -0800
@@ -1,246 +0,0 @@
-# Default Xen network start/stop script.
-# Xend calls a network script when it starts.
-# The script name to use is defined in /etc/xen/xend-config.sxp
-# in the network-script field.
-# This script creates a bridge (default xen-br0), adds a device
-# (default eth0) to it, copies the IP addresses from the device
-# to the bridge and adjusts the routes accordingly.
-# If all goes well, this should ensure that networking stays up.
-# However, some configurations are upset by this, especially
-# NFS roots. If the bridged setup does not meet your needs,
-# configure a different script, for example using routing instead.
-# Usage:
-# network (start|stop|status) {VAR=VAL}*
-# Vars:
-# bridge     The bridge to use (default xen-br0).
-# netdev     The interface to add to the bridge (default eth0).
-# antispoof  Whether to use iptables to prevent spoofing (default yes).
-# start:
-# Creates the bridge and enslaves netdev to it.
-# Copies the IP addresses from netdev to the bridge.
-# Deletes the routes to netdev and adds them on bridge.
-# stop:
-# Removes netdev from the bridge.
-# Deletes the routes to bridge and adds them to netdev.
-# status:
-# Print ifconfig for netdev and bridge.
-# Print routes.
-# Exit if anything goes wrong.
-set -e 
-# First arg is the operation.
-# Pull variables in args in to environment.
-for arg ; do export "${arg}" ; done
-echo "*network $OP bridge=$bridge netdev=$netdev antispoof=$antispoof" >&2
-# Usage: transfer_addrs src dst
-# Copy all IP addresses (including aliases) from device $src to device $dst.
-transfer_addrs () {
-    local src=$1
-    local dst=$2
-    # Don't bother if $dst already has IP addresses.
-    if ip addr show dev ${dst} | egrep -q '^ *inet ' ; then
-        return
-    fi
-    # Address lines start with 'inet' and have the device in them.
-    # Replace 'inet' with 'ip addr add' and change the device name $src
-    # to 'dev $src'.
-    ip addr show dev ${src} | egrep '^ *inet ' | sed -e "
-s/inet/ip addr add/
-s/${src}/dev ${dst}/
-" | sh -e
-    # Remove automatic routes on destionation device
-    ip route list | sed -ne "
-/dev ${dst}\( \|$\)/ {
-  s/^/ip route del /
-  p
-}" | sh -e
-# Usage: del_addrs src
-del_addrs () {
-    local src=$1
-    ip addr show dev ${src} | egrep '^ *inet ' | sed -e "
-s/inet/ip addr del/
-s/${src}/dev ${src}/
-" | sh -e
-# Usage: transfer_routes src dst
-# Get all IP routes to device $src, delete them, and
-# add the same routes to device $dst.
-# The original routes have to be deleted, otherwise adding them
-# for $dst fails (duplicate routes).
-transfer_routes () {
-    local src=$1
-    local dst=$2
-    # List all routes and grep the ones with $src in.
-    # Stick 'ip route del' on the front to delete.
-    # Change $src to $dst and use 'ip route add' to add.
-    ip route list | sed -ne "
-/dev ${src}\( \|$\)/ {
-  h
-  s/^/ip route del /
-  P
-  g
-  s/${src}/${dst}/
-  s/^/ip route add /
-  P
-  d
-}" | sh -e
-# Usage: create_bridge bridge
-create_bridge () {
-    local bridge=$1
-    # Don't create the bridge if it already exists.
-    if ! brctl show | grep -q ${bridge} ; then
-        brctl addbr ${bridge}
-        brctl stp ${bridge} off
-        brctl setfd ${bridge} 0
-    fi
-    ifconfig ${bridge} up
-# Usage: add_to_bridge bridge dev
-add_to_bridge () {
-    local bridge=$1
-    local dev=$2
-    # Don't add $dev to $bridge if it's already on a bridge.
-    if ! brctl show | grep -q ${dev} ; then
-        brctl addif ${bridge} ${dev}
-    fi
-# Usage: antispoofing dev bridge
-# Set the default forwarding policy for $dev to drop.
-# Allow forwarding to the bridge.
-antispoofing () {
-    local dev=$1
-    local bridge=$2
-    iptables -P FORWARD DROP
-    iptables -A FORWARD -m physdev --physdev-in ${dev} -j ACCEPT
-# Usage: show_status dev bridge
-# Print ifconfig and routes.
-show_status () {
-    local dev=$1
-    local bridge=$2
-    echo '============================================================'
-    ifconfig ${dev}
-    ifconfig ${bridge}
-    echo ' '
-    ip route list
-    echo ' '
-    route -n
-    echo '============================================================'
-op_start () {
-    if [ "${bridge}" == "null" ] ; then
-        return
-    fi
-    create_bridge ${bridge}
-    if ifconfig 2>/dev/null | grep -q veth0 ; then
-        return
-    fi
-    if ifconfig veth0 2>/dev/null | grep -q veth0 ; then
-        # Propagate MAC address and ARP responsibilities to virtual interface.
-        mac=`ifconfig ${netdev} | grep HWadd | sed -e 
-        ifconfig veth0 down
-        ifconfig veth0 hw ether ${mac}
-        ifconfig veth0 arp up
-        transfer_addrs ${netdev} veth0
-        transfer_routes ${netdev} veth0
-        del_addrs ${netdev}
-        ifconfig ${netdev} -arp down
-        ifconfig ${netdev} hw ether fe:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff up
-        # Bring up second half of virtual device and attach it to the bridge.
-        ifconfig vif0.0 up
-        add_to_bridge ${bridge} vif0.0
-    else
-        transfer_addrs ${netdev} ${bridge}
-        transfer_routes ${netdev} ${bridge}
-    fi
-    # Attach the real interface to the bridge.
-    add_to_bridge ${bridge} ${netdev}
-    if [ ${antispoof} == 'yes' ] ; then
-        antispoofing ${netdev} ${bridge}
-    fi
-op_stop () {
-    if [ "${bridge}" == "null" ] ; then
-        return
-    fi
-    brctl delif ${bridge} ${netdev}
-    if ifconfig veth0 2>/dev/null | grep -q veth0 ; then
-        brctl delif ${bridge} vif0.0
-        ifconfig vif0.0 down
-        mac=`ifconfig veth0 | grep HWadd | sed -e 
-        ifconfig ${netdev} down
-        ifconfig ${netdev} hw ether ${mac}
-        ifconfig ${netdev} arp up
-        transfer_addrs veth0 ${netdev}
-        transfer_routes veth0 ${netdev}
-        del_addrs veth0
-        ifconfig veth0 -arp down
-        ifconfig veth0 hw ether 00:00:00:00:00:00
-    else
-        transfer_routes ${bridge} ${netdev}
-    fi
-case ${OP} in
-  start)
-        op_start
-        ;;
-    stop)
-        op_stop
-        ;;
-    status)
-        show_status ${netdev} ${bridge}
-       ;;
-    *)
-       echo 'Unknown command: ' ${OP} >&2
-       echo 'Valid commands are: start, stop, status' >&2
-       exit 1
diff -urN xen-unstable-0804/tools/examples/network-bridge 
--- xen-unstable-0804/tools/examples/network-bridge     1969-12-31 
16:00:00.000000000 -0800
+++ xen-p1-0804/tools/examples/network-bridge   2005-08-03 20:53:24.000000000 
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+# Default Xen network start/stop script.
+# Xend calls a network script when it starts.
+# The script name to use is defined in /etc/xen/xend-config.sxp
+# in the network-script field.
+# This script creates a bridge (default xen-br0), adds a device
+# (default eth0) to it, copies the IP addresses from the device
+# to the bridge and adjusts the routes accordingly.
+# If all goes well, this should ensure that networking stays up.
+# However, some configurations are upset by this, especially
+# NFS roots. If the bridged setup does not meet your needs,
+# configure a different script, for example using routing instead.
+# Usage:
+# network (start|stop|status) {VAR=VAL}*
+# Vars:
+# bridge     The bridge to use (default xen-br0).
+# netdev     The interface to add to the bridge (default eth0).
+# antispoof  Whether to use iptables to prevent spoofing (default yes).
+# start:
+# Creates the bridge and enslaves netdev to it.
+# Copies the IP addresses from netdev to the bridge.
+# Deletes the routes to netdev and adds them on bridge.
+# stop:
+# Removes netdev from the bridge.
+# Deletes the routes to bridge and adds them to netdev.
+# status:
+# Print ifconfig for netdev and bridge.
+# Print routes.
+# Exit if anything goes wrong.
+set -e 
+# First arg is the operation.
+# Pull variables in args in to environment.
+for arg ; do export "${arg}" ; done
+echo "*network $OP bridge=$bridge netdev=$netdev antispoof=$antispoof" >&2
+# Usage: transfer_addrs src dst
+# Copy all IP addresses (including aliases) from device $src to device $dst.
+transfer_addrs () {
+    local src=$1
+    local dst=$2
+    # Don't bother if $dst already has IP addresses.
+    if ip addr show dev ${dst} | egrep -q '^ *inet ' ; then
+        return
+    fi
+    # Address lines start with 'inet' and have the device in them.
+    # Replace 'inet' with 'ip addr add' and change the device name $src
+    # to 'dev $src'.
+    ip addr show dev ${src} | egrep '^ *inet ' | sed -e "
+s/inet/ip addr add/
+s/${src}/dev ${dst}/
+" | sh -e
+    # Remove automatic routes on destionation device
+    ip route list | sed -ne "
+/dev ${dst}\( \|$\)/ {
+  s/^/ip route del /
+  p
+}" | sh -e
+# Usage: del_addrs src
+del_addrs () {
+    local src=$1
+    ip addr show dev ${src} | egrep '^ *inet ' | sed -e "
+s/inet/ip addr del/
+s/${src}/dev ${src}/
+" | sh -e
+# Usage: transfer_routes src dst
+# Get all IP routes to device $src, delete them, and
+# add the same routes to device $dst.
+# The original routes have to be deleted, otherwise adding them
+# for $dst fails (duplicate routes).
+transfer_routes () {
+    local src=$1
+    local dst=$2
+    # List all routes and grep the ones with $src in.
+    # Stick 'ip route del' on the front to delete.
+    # Change $src to $dst and use 'ip route add' to add.
+    ip route list | sed -ne "
+/dev ${src}\( \|$\)/ {
+  h
+  s/^/ip route del /
+  P
+  g
+  s/${src}/${dst}/
+  s/^/ip route add /
+  P
+  d
+}" | sh -e
+# Usage: create_bridge bridge
+create_bridge () {
+    local bridge=$1
+    # Don't create the bridge if it already exists.
+    if ! brctl show | grep -q ${bridge} ; then
+        brctl addbr ${bridge}
+        brctl stp ${bridge} off
+        brctl setfd ${bridge} 0
+    fi
+    ifconfig ${bridge} up
+# Usage: add_to_bridge bridge dev
+add_to_bridge () {
+    local bridge=$1
+    local dev=$2
+    # Don't add $dev to $bridge if it's already on a bridge.
+    if ! brctl show | grep -q ${dev} ; then
+        brctl addif ${bridge} ${dev}
+    fi
+# Usage: antispoofing dev bridge
+# Set the default forwarding policy for $dev to drop.
+# Allow forwarding to the bridge.
+antispoofing () {
+    local dev=$1
+    local bridge=$2
+    iptables -P FORWARD DROP
+    iptables -A FORWARD -m physdev --physdev-in ${dev} -j ACCEPT
+# Usage: show_status dev bridge
+# Print ifconfig and routes.
+show_status () {
+    local dev=$1
+    local bridge=$2
+    echo '============================================================'
+    ifconfig ${dev}
+    ifconfig ${bridge}
+    echo ' '
+    ip route list
+    echo ' '
+    route -n
+    echo '============================================================'
+op_start () {
+    if [ "${bridge}" == "null" ] ; then
+        return
+    fi
+    create_bridge ${bridge}
+    if ifconfig 2>/dev/null | grep -q veth0 ; then
+        return
+    fi
+    if ifconfig veth0 2>/dev/null | grep -q veth0 ; then
+        # Propagate MAC address and ARP responsibilities to virtual interface.
+        mac=`ifconfig ${netdev} | grep HWadd | sed -e 
+        ifconfig veth0 down
+        ifconfig veth0 hw ether ${mac}
+        ifconfig veth0 arp up
+        transfer_addrs ${netdev} veth0
+        transfer_routes ${netdev} veth0
+        del_addrs ${netdev}
+        ifconfig ${netdev} -arp down
+        ifconfig ${netdev} hw ether fe:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff up
+        # Bring up second half of virtual device and attach it to the bridge.
+        ifconfig vif0.0 up
+        add_to_bridge ${bridge} vif0.0
+    else
+        transfer_addrs ${netdev} ${bridge}
+        transfer_routes ${netdev} ${bridge}
+    fi
+    # Attach the real interface to the bridge.
+    add_to_bridge ${bridge} ${netdev}
+    if [ ${antispoof} == 'yes' ] ; then
+        antispoofing ${netdev} ${bridge}
+    fi
+op_stop () {
+    if [ "${bridge}" == "null" ] ; then
+        return
+    fi
+    brctl delif ${bridge} ${netdev}
+    if ifconfig veth0 2>/dev/null | grep -q veth0 ; then
+        brctl delif ${bridge} vif0.0
+        ifconfig vif0.0 down
+        mac=`ifconfig veth0 | grep HWadd | sed -e 
+        ifconfig ${netdev} down
+        ifconfig ${netdev} hw ether ${mac}
+        ifconfig ${netdev} arp up
+        transfer_addrs veth0 ${netdev}
+        transfer_routes veth0 ${netdev}
+        del_addrs veth0
+        ifconfig veth0 -arp down
+        ifconfig veth0 hw ether 00:00:00:00:00:00
+    else
+        transfer_routes ${bridge} ${netdev}
+    fi
+case ${OP} in
+  start)
+        op_start
+        ;;
+    stop)
+        op_stop
+        ;;
+    status)
+        show_status ${netdev} ${bridge}
+       ;;
+    *)
+       echo 'Unknown command: ' ${OP} >&2
+       echo 'Valid commands are: start, stop, status' >&2
+       exit 1
diff -urN xen-unstable-0804/tools/examples/README 
--- xen-unstable-0804/tools/examples/README     2005-08-03 20:53:24.000000000 
+++ xen-p1-0804/tools/examples/README   2005-08-04 16:27:37.939395892 -0700
@@ -9,8 +9,18 @@
 send it (preferably with a little summary to go in this file) to
 <xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> so we can add it to this directory.
-network             - default network setup script called by xend at startup.
-vif-bridge          - default virtual network interface setup script.
+Network setup scripts called by xend on startup:
+network-bridge      - for bridging case 
+network-route       - for routing 
+network-nat         - for routing with NAT
+Vif setup script called by xen on startup:
+vif-bridge          - for bridging case
+vif-route           - for routing
+vif-nat             - for routing with NAT
 xend-config.sxp     - default xend configuration file.
 xmexample1          - example configuration script for 'xm create'.
 xmexample2          - a more complex configuration script for 'xm create'.
diff -urN xen-unstable-0804/tools/examples/xend-config.sxp 
--- xen-unstable-0804/tools/examples/xend-config.sxp    2005-08-03 
20:53:24.000000000 -0700
+++ xen-p1-0804/tools/examples/xend-config.sxp  2005-08-04 16:41:08.504696262 
@@ -26,9 +26,15 @@
 # The default script used to control virtual interfaces.
 #(vif-script         vif-route)
+## Use the following if VIF traffic is routed/NAT.
+# The script used to start/stop networking for xend.
+#(network-script     network-nat)
+# The default script used to control virtual interfaces.
+#(vif-script         vif-nat)
 ## Use the following if VIF traffic is bridged.
 # The script used to start/stop networking for xend.
-(network-script    network)
+(network-script    network-bridge)
 # The default bridge that virtual interfaces should be connected to.
 (vif-bridge        xen-br0)
 # The default script used to control virtual interfaces.
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