[Ronald == rminnich@xxxxxxxx on Mon, 24 Jan 2005 10:04:29 -0700 (MST)]
Jared> Ron, is your performance concern because large clusters need
Jared> to pass a very high volume of control messages?
Ronald> re-reading this, however, I think my concerns about the
Ronald> extra daemon shrink into insignificance when I think about
Ronald> Python-based Xend ...
I think most people are agreed that a non-Python control
infrastructure will be developed in the not-so-distant future. So
to the extent your concerns about multiple daemons apply in a
non-Python environment, they should be addressed.
Ronald> The issue is that, in any large scale cluster, if you have
Ronald> enough processes running besides your application on the
Ronald> nodes, then the act of scheduling those processes -- even
Ronald> for select calls that return instantly
Ronald> -- can derange the application performance.
It may be that clustering people need a whole different toolset. If
you were trying to minimize process count, then you probably wouldn't
even want xcs, a multiplexing switch anyway. Indeed, why multiplex at
all? You might use a single control mechanism, preferably combining
whatever subset of xcs, xensv, xm, etc you needed.
I'll leave it others to figure out what all this means for xcs's
Thanks for your cluster scheduling overview; it was helpful.
-- jared@xxxxxxxxxxx
Version: 3.12
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