RE: [Xen-devel] Creating partitions on domain U
> > For the moment, just comment out the references to blkif_revalidate.
> >
> > Adam: this explains why resize wasn't working for you under 2.6.
> But I never got a compile error.
No, the compile error was with the patch that added support for ioctls
to 2.6, and highlighted the fact that the revalidate routine wasn't even
implemented for 2.6.
> How much work do you estimate it would take to fix? I'm not
> above kernel
> hacking.
Not a huge deal. It's just a case of taking the code that's in 2.4
blkfront directory (some of which is already n 2.6 but commented out),
and make it compile and work under 2.6.
Some of the fixes are obvious (extra parameter to get_gendisk), but some
of the changes require a little more thought.
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