RE: [Xen-devel] xen 2.0.x and debian
> I plan on releasing(by release, I mean upload to debian itself) the
> debs tomorrow evening. 2.4.28 is not in debian yet, so there won't be
> a patch for that, only 2.6.10.
*wild cheering and applause*
> Initially, I'll only be uploading 2.0.1. But this weekend I'll
> upload 2.0.3 versions. Afterwards, I'll start sending the patches
> done to the build system(make install DESTDIR=`pwd`/foo kinda stuff,
> mostly).
Can you give a quick summary on how it all hangs together in debian?
Will there be packages for the user mode stuff and a kernel-patch for
the kernel stuff so I can just build a xen with a make-kpkg? How does it
differ from Brian's effort?
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