# HG changeset patch
# User David Scott <dave.scott@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
# Date 1282565813 -3600
# Node ID 59d698275079a28b784df5651337ca7716746b67
# Parent c2b46bf167dbcef8f2eb3114837e1f5ab352d678
CA_43021: sparse_dd can now talk to the import_raw_vdi HTTP handler
Signed-off-by: David Scott <dave.scott@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
diff -r c2b46bf167db -r 59d698275079 ocaml/xapi/OMakefile
--- a/ocaml/xapi/OMakefile Mon Aug 23 13:16:53 2010 +0100
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/OMakefile Mon Aug 23 13:16:53 2010 +0100
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
#OCAML_CLIBS += stubs
OCamlProgram(http_test, http_test)
-OCamlProgram(sparse_dd, sparse_dd)
+OCamlProgram(sparse_dd, sparse_dd sparse_encoding)
OCamlProgram(show_bat, show_bat)
diff -r c2b46bf167db -r 59d698275079 ocaml/xapi/sparse_dd.ml
--- a/ocaml/xapi/sparse_dd.ml Mon Aug 23 13:16:53 2010 +0100
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/sparse_dd.ml Mon Aug 23 13:16:53 2010 +0100
@@ -126,29 +126,132 @@
then raise (ShortWrite(offset, len, n))
+(** Marshals data across the network in chunks *)
+module Network_writer = struct
+ open Sparse_encoding
+ type t = Unix.file_descr
+ type url = {
+ host: string;
+ port: int;
+ auth: (string * string) option;
+ uri: string;
+ https: bool;
+ }
+ let url_of_string url =
+ let host x = match String.split ':' x with
+ | host :: _ -> host
+ | _ -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "Failed to parse host: %s" x) in
+ let port x = match String.split ':' x with
+ | _ :: port :: _ -> Some (int_of_string port)
+ | _ -> None in
+ let uname_password_host_port x = match String.split '@' x with
+ | [ _ ] -> None, host x, port x
+ | [ uname_password; host_port ] ->
+ begin match String.split ':' uname_password with
+ | [ uname; password ] -> Some (uname, password), host
host_port, port host_port
+ | _ -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "Failed to parse
authentication substring: %s" uname_password)
+ end
+ | _ -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "Failed to parse username
password host and port: %s" x) in
+ match String.split '/' url with
+ | http_or_https :: "" :: x :: uri ->
+ let uname_password, host, port =
uname_password_host_port x in
+ if not(List.mem http_or_https [ "https:"; "http:" ])
+ then failwith (Printf.sprintf "Unknown URL scheme: %s"
+ let https = String.startswith "https://" url in
+ let port = (match port with Some p -> p | None -> if
https then 443 else 80) in
+ { host = host; port = port; auth = uname_password; uri
= "/" ^ (String.concat "/" uri); https = https }
+ | _ -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "Failed to parse URL: %s" url)
+ let open_url url f =
+ let with_ssl url f =
+ Printf.printf "connecting to %s:%d\n" url.host url.port;
+ let stunnel = Stunnel.connect url.host url.port in
+ finally
+ (fun () -> f stunnel.Stunnel.fd)
+ (fun () -> Stunnel.disconnect stunnel) in
+ let with_plaintext url f =
+ let fd = Unixext.open_connection_fd url.host url.port in
+ finally
+ (fun () -> f fd)
+ (fun () -> Unix.close fd) in
+ let uri, query = Http.parse_uri url.uri in
+ let request = { Http.m = Http.Put;
+ uri = uri;
+ query = query;
+ version = "1.0";
+ transfer_encoding = None;
+ content_length = None;
+ auth = Opt.map (fun (username, password) ->
Http.Basic(username, password)) url.auth;
+ cookie = [ "chunked", "true" ];
+ task = None; subtask_of = None;
+ content_type = None;
+ user_agent = Some "sparse_dd/0.1";
+ close = true;
+ headers = [] } in
+ try
+ if url.https
+ then with_ssl url (fun fd -> Http_client.rpc fd request
"" f)
+ else with_plaintext url (fun fd -> Http_client.rpc fd
request "" f)
+ with Http_client.Http_error("401") as e ->
+ Printf.printf "HTTP 401 Unauthorized\n";
+ raise e
+ let op stream stream_offset { buf = buf; offset = offset; len = len } =
+ let copy = String.create len in
+ String.blit buf offset copy 0 len;
+ let x = { Chunk.start = stream_offset; data = copy } in
+ Chunk.marshal stream x
+ let close stream = Chunk.marshal stream { Chunk.start = 0L; data = "" }
(** An implementation of the DD algorithm over strings *)
module String_copy = DD(String_reader)(String_writer)
-(** An implementatino of the DD algorithm over Unix files *)
+(** An implementation of the DD algorithm over Unix files *)
module File_copy = DD(File_reader)(File_writer)
+(** An implementatino of the DD algorithm from Unix files to a Network socket
+module Network_copy = DD(File_reader)(Network_writer)
(** [file_dd ?progress_cb ?size ?bat prezeroed src dst]
If [size] is not given, will assume a plain file and will use st_size from
If [prezeroed] is false, will first explicitly write zeroes to all blocks
not in [bat].
Will then write blocks from [src] into [dst], using the [bat]. If
[prezeroed] will additionally
- scan for zeroes within the allocated blocks. *)
+ scan for zeroes within the allocated blocks.
+ If [dst] has the format:
+ fd:X
+ then data is written directly to file descriptor X in a chunked encoding.
+ it is written directly to the file referenced by [dst].
+ *)
let file_dd ?(progress_cb = (fun _ -> ())) ?size ?bat prezeroed src dst =
let size = match size with
| None -> (Unix.LargeFile.stat src).Unix.LargeFile.st_size
| Some x -> x in
let ifd = Unix.openfile src [ Unix.O_RDONLY ] 0o600 in
- let ofd = Unix.openfile dst [ Unix.O_WRONLY; Unix.O_CREAT ] 0o600 in
- (* Make sure the output file has the right size *)
- Unix.LargeFile.lseek ofd (size -* 1L) Unix.SEEK_SET;
- Unix.write ofd "\000" 0 1;
- Unix.LargeFile.lseek ofd 0L Unix.SEEK_SET;
- Printf.printf "Copying\n";
- File_copy.copy progress_cb bat prezeroed ifd ofd blocksize size
+ if String.startswith "http:" dst || String.startswith "https:" dst then
+ (* Network copy *)
+ Network_writer.open_url (Network_writer.url_of_string dst)
+ (fun _ ofd ->
+ Printf.printf "\nWriting chunked encoding to fd: %d\n"
(Unixext.int_of_file_descr ofd);
+ let stats = Network_copy.copy progress_cb bat prezeroed
ifd ofd blocksize size in
+ Printf.printf "\nSending final chunk\n";
+ Network_writer.close ofd;
+ Printf.printf "Waiting for connection to close\n";
+ (try let tmp = " " in Unixext.really_read ofd tmp 0 1
with End_of_file -> ());
+ Printf.printf "Connection closed\n";
+ stats)
+ end else begin
+ let ofd = Unix.openfile dst [ Unix.O_WRONLY; Unix.O_CREAT ]
0o600 in
+ (* Make sure the output file has the right size *)
+ Unix.LargeFile.lseek ofd (size -* 1L) Unix.SEEK_SET;
+ Unix.write ofd "\000" 0 1;
+ Unix.LargeFile.lseek ofd 0L Unix.SEEK_SET;
+ Printf.printf "Copying\n";
+ File_copy.copy progress_cb bat prezeroed ifd ofd blocksize size
+ end
(** [make_random size zero nonzero] returns a string (of size [size]) and a
BAT. Blocks not in the BAT
are guaranteed to be [zero]. Blocks in the BAT are randomly either [zero]
or [nonzero]. *)
@@ -322,6 +425,7 @@
last_percent := new_percent
let _ =
+ Stunnel.init_stunnel_path ();
let base = ref None and src = ref None and dest = ref None and size =
ref (-1L) and prezeroed = ref false and test = ref false in
Arg.parse [ "-base", Arg.String (fun x -> base := Some x), "base disk
to search for differences from (default: None)";
"-src", Arg.String (fun x -> src := Some x), "source disk";
@@ -333,7 +437,12 @@
(fun x -> Printf.fprintf stderr "Warning: ignoring unexpected argument
%s\n" x)
(String.concat "\n" [ "Usage:";
Printf.sprintf "%s [-base x] [-prezeroed] <-src
y> <-dest z> <-size s>" Sys.argv.(0);
- " -- copy <s> bytes from <y> to <z>. If <-base
x> is specified then only copy differences";
+ " -- copy <s> bytes from <y> to <z>.";
+ " <x> and <y> are always interpreted as
filenames. If <z> is a URL then the URL";
+ " is opened and encoded chunks of data are
written directly to it";
+ " otherwise <z> is interpreted as a
+ "";
+ " If <-base x> is specified then only copy
" between <x> and <y>. If [-base x] is
unspecified and [-prezeroed] is unspecified ";
" then assume the destination must be fully
ocaml/xapi/OMakefile | 2 +-
ocaml/xapi/sparse_dd.ml | 129 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
2 files changed, 120 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
Description: Text Data
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