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[Xen-API] [PATCH 3 of 8] CA-43021: Move the 'prezeroing' logic into the

To: xen-api@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Xen-API] [PATCH 3 of 8] CA-43021: Move the 'prezeroing' logic into the DD module to (i) avoid duplicating logic; and (ii) to compute progress accurately
From: David Scott <dave.scott@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 2010 13:17:43 +0100
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# HG changeset patch
# User David Scott <dave.scott@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
# Date 1282565811 -3600
# Node ID 5205cfa6a3251017698baffa7825024823705314
# Parent  24b830d6f50e96b7e78363dd2016278fc268c066
CA-43021: Move the 'prezeroing' logic into the DD module to (i) avoid 
duplicating logic; and (ii) to compute progress accurately.

Signed-off-by: David Scott <dave.scott@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

diff -r 24b830d6f50e -r 5205cfa6a325 ocaml/xapi/sparse_dd.ml
--- a/ocaml/xapi/sparse_dd.ml   Mon Aug 23 13:16:50 2010 +0100
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/sparse_dd.ml   Mon Aug 23 13:16:51 2010 +0100
@@ -53,10 +53,10 @@
 (** Perform the data duplication ("DD") *)
 module DD(Input : IO)(Output : IO) = struct
-       let fold bat sparse (src: Input.t) size f initial = 
+       let fold bat sparse input_op blocksize size f initial = 
                let buf = String.create (Int64.to_int blocksize) in
                let do_block acc (offset, this_chunk) =
-                       Input.op src offset { buf = buf; offset = 0; len = 
Int64.to_int this_chunk };
+                       input_op offset { buf = buf; offset = 0; len = 
Int64.to_int this_chunk };
                        begin match sparse with
                        | Some zero -> fold_over_nonzeros buf (Int64.to_int 
this_chunk) roundup (f offset) acc
                        | None -> f offset acc { buf = buf; offset = 0; len = 
Int64.to_int this_chunk }
@@ -66,28 +66,32 @@
        (** [copy progress_cb bat sparse src dst size] copies blocks of data 
from [src] to [dst]
            where [bat] represents the allocated / dirty blocks in [src];
-           where if sparse is None it means don't scan for and skip over 
blocks of zeroes in [src]
-           where if sparse is (Some c) it means do scan for and skip over 
blocks of 'c' in [src]
+           where if prezeroed is true it means do scan for and skip over 
blocks of \000
            while calling [progress_cb] frequently to report the fraction 
-       let copy progress_cb bat sparse src dst size =
-               let total_work = Bat.fold_left (fun total (_, size) -> total +* 
size) 0L bat in 
-               fold bat sparse src size
-                       (fun offset stats substr -> 
-                               Output.op dst (offset +* (Int64.of_int 
substr.offset)) substr;
-                               let stats' = { writes = stats.writes + 1; bytes 
= stats.bytes +* (Int64.of_int substr.len) } in
-                               progress_cb (Int64.to_float stats'.bytes /. 
(Int64.to_float total_work));
-                               stats')
-                       { writes = 0; bytes = 0L }
-(* Helper function to always return a block of zeroes, like /dev/null *)
-module Zero_reader = struct
-       type t = unit
-       let op _ _ { buf = buf; offset = offset; len = len } = 
-               for i = 0 to len - 1 do
-                       buf.[offset + i] <- '\000'
-               done
+       let copy progress_cb bat prezeroed src dst blocksize size =
+               (* If [prezeroed] then nothing needs wiping; otherwise we wipe 
not(bat) *)
+               let empty = Bat.of_list [] and full = Bat.of_list [0L, size] in
+               let bat = Opt.default full bat in
+               let bat' = if prezeroed then empty else Bat.difference full bat 
+               let sizeof bat = Bat.fold_left (fun total (_, size) -> total +* 
size) 0L bat in 
+               let total_work = sizeof bat +* (sizeof bat') in
+               let stats = { writes = 0; bytes = 0L } in
+               let with_stats f offset stats substr = 
+                       f offset stats substr;
+                       let stats' = { writes = stats.writes + 1; bytes = 
stats.bytes +* (Int64.of_int substr.len) } in
+                       progress_cb (Int64.to_float stats'.bytes /. 
(Int64.to_float total_work));
+                       stats' in
+               let copy offset stats substr = 
+                       Output.op dst (offset +* (Int64.of_int substr.offset)) 
substr in
+               let input_zero offset { buf = buf; offset = offset; len = len } 
+                       for i = 0 to len - 1 do
+                               buf.[offset + i] <- '\000'
+                       done in
+               (* Do any necessary pre-zeroing then do the real work *)
+               let sparse = if prezeroed then Some '\000' else None in
+               fold bat sparse (Input.op src) blocksize size (with_stats copy) 
+                       (fold bat' sparse input_zero blocksize size (with_stats 
copy) stats)
 let blit src srcoff dst dstoff len = 
@@ -97,7 +101,7 @@
 module String_reader = struct
        type t = string
        let op str stream_offset { buf = buf; offset = offset; len = len } = 
-               blit str (Int64.to_int stream_offset) buf offset len
+               blit str (Int64.to_int stream_offset) buf offset len    
 module String_writer = struct
        type t = string
@@ -125,15 +129,9 @@
 (** An implementation of the DD algorithm over strings *)
 module String_copy = DD(String_reader)(String_writer)
-(** An implementatino of the DD algorithm which copies zeroes into strings *)
-module String_write_zero = DD(Zero_reader)(String_writer)
 (** An implementatino of the DD algorithm over Unix files *)
 module File_copy = DD(File_reader)(File_writer)
-(** An implementatin of the DD algorithm which copies zeroes into files *)
-module File_write_zero = DD(Zero_reader)(File_writer)
 (** [file_dd ?progress_cb ?size ?bat prezeroed src dst]
     If [size] is not given, will assume a plain file and will use st_size from 
     If [prezeroed] is false, will first explicitly write zeroes to all blocks 
not in [bat].
@@ -149,22 +147,8 @@
        Unix.LargeFile.lseek ofd (size -* 1L) Unix.SEEK_SET;
        Unix.write ofd "\000" 0 1;
        Unix.LargeFile.lseek ofd 0L Unix.SEEK_SET;
-       let full_bat = Bat.of_list [0L, size] in
-       let empty_bat = Bat.of_list [] in
-       let bat = Opt.default full_bat bat in
-       (* If not prezeroed then: 
-          1. explicitly write zeroes into the complement of the BAT;
-          2. don't scan and skip zeroes in the source disk *)
-       let bat' = if prezeroed
-       then empty_bat
-       else Bat.difference full_bat bat in     
-       let progress_cb_zero, progress_cb_copy = 
-               (fun fraction -> progress_cb (0.5 *. fraction)),
-               (fun fraction -> progress_cb (0.5 *. fraction +. 0.5)) in
-       Printf.printf "Wiping\n";
-       File_write_zero.copy progress_cb_zero bat' None () ofd size;
        Printf.printf "Copying\n";
-       File_copy.copy progress_cb_copy bat (if prezeroed then Some '\000' else 
None) ifd ofd size
+       File_copy.copy progress_cb bat prezeroed ifd ofd blocksize size
 (** [make_random size zero nonzero] returns a string (of size [size]) and a 
BAT. Blocks not in the BAT
     are guaranteed to be [zero]. Blocks in the BAT are randomly either [zero] 
or [nonzero]. *)
@@ -185,7 +169,7 @@
                let offset' = min size (offset + bs) in
                offset', if bit then (offset, offset' - offset) :: acc else 
acc) (0, []) bits) in
        let bat = Bat.of_list (List.map (fun (x, y) -> Int64.of_int x, 
Int64.of_int y) bat) in
-       result, bat
+       result, Some bat
 (** [test_dd (input, bat) ignore_bat prezeroed zero nonzero] uses the DD 
algorithm to make a copy of
     the string [input]. 
@@ -195,20 +179,11 @@
 let test_dd (input, bat) ignore_bat prezeroed zero nonzero = 
        let size = String.length input in
+       let blocksize = Int64.of_int (size / 100) in
        let output = String.make size (if prezeroed then zero else nonzero) in
-               let full_bat = Bat.of_list [0L, Int64.of_int size] in
-               let empty_bat = Bat.of_list [] in
-               let bat = if ignore_bat then full_bat else bat in
-               (* If not prezeroed then: 
-                  1. explicitly write zeroes into the complement of the BAT;
-                  2. don't scan and skip zeroes in the source disk *)
-               let bat' = if prezeroed
-               then empty_bat
-               else Bat.difference full_bat bat in     
-               String_write_zero.copy (fun _ -> ()) bat' None () output 
(Int64.of_int size);
-               let stats = String_copy.copy (fun _ -> ()) bat (if prezeroed 
then Some zero else None) input output (Int64.of_int size) in
+               let stats = String_copy.copy (fun _ -> ()) bat prezeroed input 
output blocksize (Int64.of_int size) in
                assert (String.compare input output = 0);
        with e ->
@@ -225,7 +200,7 @@
 (** Generates lots of random strings and makes copies with the DD algorithm, 
checking that the copies are identical *)
 let test_lots_of_strings () =
-       let n = 1000 and m = 1000 in
+       let n = 1000 and m = 100000 in
        let writes = ref 0 and bytes = ref 0L in
        for i = 0 to n do
                if i mod 100 = 0 then (Printf.printf "i = %d\n" i; flush 
 ocaml/xapi/sparse_dd.ml |  89 +++++++++++++++++-------------------------------
 1 files changed, 32 insertions(+), 57 deletions(-)

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