# HG changeset patch
# User David Scott <dave.scott@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
# Date 1282565813 -3600
# Node ID c2b46bf167dbcef8f2eb3114837e1f5ab352d678
# Parent 980bea836c4e7e93b586f42e632bdf3c4a863cdb
CA-43021: Tidy-up the chain reading code a little.
Signed-off-by: David Scott <dave.scott@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
diff -r 980bea836c4e -r c2b46bf167db ocaml/xapi/sparse_dd.ml
--- a/ocaml/xapi/sparse_dd.ml Mon Aug 23 13:16:51 2010 +0100
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/sparse_dd.ml Mon Aug 23 13:16:53 2010 +0100
@@ -322,10 +322,10 @@
last_percent := new_percent
let _ =
- let base = ref "" and src = ref "" and dest = ref "" and size = ref
(-1L) and prezeroed = ref false and test = ref false in
- Arg.parse [ "-base", Arg.Set_string base, "base disk to search for
differences from (default: None)";
- "-src", Arg.Set_string src, "source disk";
- "-dest", Arg.Set_string dest, "destination disk";
+ let base = ref None and src = ref None and dest = ref None and size =
ref (-1L) and prezeroed = ref false and test = ref false in
+ Arg.parse [ "-base", Arg.String (fun x -> base := Some x), "base disk
to search for differences from (default: None)";
+ "-src", Arg.String (fun x -> src := Some x), "source disk";
+ "-dest", Arg.String (fun x -> dest := Some x), "destination
"-size", Arg.String (fun x -> size := Int64.of_string x),
"number of bytes to copy";
"-prezeroed", Arg.Set prezeroed, "assume the destination
disk has been prezeroed";
"-machine", Arg.Set machine_readable, "emit
machine-readable output";
@@ -357,28 +357,47 @@
test_lots_of_strings ();
exit 0
- if !src = "" || !dest = "" || !size = (-1L) then begin
+ if !src = None || !dest = None || !size = (-1L) then begin
Printf.fprintf stderr "Must have -src -dest and -size
exit 1;
+ let empty = Bat.of_list [] in
let size = Some !size in
- let src_vhd = vhd_of_device !src and dest_vhd = vhd_of_device !dest in
- Printf.printf "auto-detect src vhd: %s\n" (Opt.default "None" (Opt.map
(fun x -> "Some " ^ x) src_vhd));
- let bat = match src_vhd with
- | Some vhd ->
- (try
- let chain = chain_of_vhd vhd in
- Printf.printf "chain: %s\n" (String.concat "; " chain);
- let empty = Bat.of_list [] in
- Some (List.fold_left Bat.union empty (List.map bat
- with e ->
- Printf.printf "Caught exception: %s while calculating
BAT. Ignoring all BAT information\n" (Printexc.to_string e);
- None)
- | None -> None in
+ (** [chain_of_device device] returns [None] if [device] is None.
+ If device is [Some d] then returns [None] if no vhds were detected
or [Some chain] *)
+ let chain_of_device device =
+ let flatten = function
+ | Some (Some x) -> Some x
+ | Some None -> None
+ | None -> None in
+ let vhd : string option = flatten (Opt.map vhd_of_device
device) in
+ let chain : string list option = Opt.map chain_of_vhd vhd in
+ let option y = Opt.default "None" (Opt.map (fun x -> "Some " ^
x) y) in
+ Printf.printf "%s has chain: [ %s ]" (option device) (option
(Opt.map (String.concat "; ") chain));
+ chain in
+ let bat : Bat.t option =
+ try
+ let src_chain = chain_of_device !src in
+ let base_chain = chain_of_device !base in
+ (* If the src_chain is None then we have no BAT information *)
+ Opt.map
+ (fun s ->
+ let b = Opt.default [] base_chain in
+ (* We need to copy blocks from: (base - src) + (src -
+ ie. everything except for blocks from the shared
nodes *)
+ let unshared = List.set_difference b s @
(List.set_difference s b) in
+ List.fold_left Bat.union empty (List.map bat unshared)
+ ) src_chain
+ with e ->
+ Printf.printf "Caught exception: %s while calculating BAT.
Ignoring all BAT information\n" (Printexc.to_string e);
+ None in
progress_cb 0.;
- let stats = file_dd ~progress_cb ?size ?bat !prezeroed !src !dest in
+ let stats = file_dd ~progress_cb ?size ?bat !prezeroed (Opt.unbox !src)
(Opt.unbox !dest) in
Printf.printf "Time: %.2f seconds\n" (Unix.gettimeofday () -. start);
Printf.printf "\nNumber of writes: %d\n" stats.writes;
Printf.printf "Number of bytes: %Ld\n" stats.bytes
ocaml/xapi/sparse_dd.ml | 59 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
1 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
Description: Text Data
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