Re: [Xen-users] Re: Getting one Dom U Guest to wait to startup until an
Hey Jason,
On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 12:31 PM, Jason Brooks <jason@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello,
> I can think of an item: it's the same as if you have separate servers with
> dependencies:
> create another rc script that runs after the network startup. have it use
> nmap, or something to ping the other system periodically and wait until the
> correct service(s) are up. then exit.
> Assuming you are running runlevel 3, create a link in /etc/rc3.d/ called
> S<xx>Wait that points to this script. change the <xx> part to be certain it
> runs after the networking script, but before the next script.
I never used nmap, but I guess I can figure it out. That's a good
idea. THanks a lot.
I'm kindof surprised that Xen doesn't have a "start this after that is
up" function, because it does have a "start this after that starts"
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