Re: [Xen-users] Ubuntu XEN cluster - heartbeat reboot issue
Am Samstag, den 19.07.2008, 08:44 +0200 schrieb Daniel Asplund:
> Hi all,
> Done a test install with a cluster and now running Ubuntu 8.04 on two
> Dom0 nodes.
> The problem I found was with the rc scripts at reboot, that heartbeat
> didn't have time to perform live migration before the node rebooted.
> Executing: reboot at the prompt I could see it started to prepare for
> the live migration, but at the same time in the log I could see it
> started to shutdown xend (not good if migration is not complete ;) )
> plus other processes, so the migration failed.
> They way I at least temporary solved it was to put a sleep command in
> the heartbeat init.d script, in the scripts stop section. I put sleep
> 15 so it waits 15 seconds before moving along. Everything works now,
> but it seems like a very cheap trick.
You might want to take a look into /etc/default/xendomains and tune
delays there.
> Anyone having a similar setup and experienced the same thing? All
> software are from the Ubuntu repository.
> I earlier ran Debian Etch and didn't have this problem.
> Regards, Daniel
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