Re: [Xen-users] Ubuntu XEN cluster - heartbeat reboot issue
Thanks for the reply Stephan,
Not sure the timers in /etc/default/xendomains will be much of help.
Couldn't find any default timer that would make any sense in this
I did some further tests and put the sleep command in the hearbeat
resource script instead of in the init.d script. Putting it there had
no effect at all. So it means that when the heartbeat resource script
is executed during reboot it will not wait for it to complete before
moving along with the shutdown of the system, causing xend to shutdown
before domains are migrated.
Didn't have this problem in Debian, so it could be a combination of
the heartbeat script and Ubuntu's reboot mechanism. But I believed
Ubuntu and Debian would be similar in this aspect?
Regards, Daniel
On Sat, Jul 19, 2008 at 9:43 AM, netz-haut - stephan seitz
<s.seitz@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Am Samstag, den 19.07.2008, 08:44 +0200 schrieb Daniel Asplund:
>> Hi all,
>> Done a test install with a cluster and now running Ubuntu 8.04 on two
>> Dom0 nodes.
>> The problem I found was with the rc scripts at reboot, that heartbeat
>> didn't have time to perform live migration before the node rebooted.
>> Executing: reboot at the prompt I could see it started to prepare for
>> the live migration, but at the same time in the log I could see it
>> started to shutdown xend (not good if migration is not complete ;) )
>> plus other processes, so the migration failed.
>> They way I at least temporary solved it was to put a sleep command in
>> the heartbeat init.d script, in the scripts stop section. I put sleep
>> 15 so it waits 15 seconds before moving along. Everything works now,
>> but it seems like a very cheap trick.
> You might want to take a look into /etc/default/xendomains and tune
> delays there.
> cheers
> Stephan
>> Anyone having a similar setup and experienced the same thing? All
>> software are from the Ubuntu repository.
>> I earlier ran Debian Etch and didn't have this problem.
>> Regards, Daniel
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> Stephan Seitz
> Senior System Administrator
> *netz-haut* e.K.
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