Re: [Xen-users] ReiserFS on Xen3?
Em Qui, 2006-02-09 às 16:03 +0100, CJ van den Berg escreveu:
> On Thu, Feb 09, 2006 at 02:12:38PM -0000, Xen wrote:
> > I thinking of changing my ext partitions to ReiserFS as I keep reading
> > it's a lot faster. I'm running Xen 3 and want to make sure there are no
> > issues before I spend a lot of time installing everything.
> I use reiserfs on all my VMs with Xen 3 and I've never had any problems, and
> yes, it can be significantly faster depending on the workload.
I'm using reiserfs and xfs without a problem. I decided to use xfs
because making some tests the results show that it is faster than
reiserfs and jfs.
Lucas de Souza Santos - 7F8050A6 @ http://subkeys.pgp.net
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