Re: [Xen-users] xen kernel panics after 1,5 month of work
Em Qui, 2006-02-02 às 10:16 +0100, Rafal Zawadzki escreveu:
> Hi. We are using xen 3.0 in production environment. For first 1,5 month it
> worked great. Suddenly, yesterday xen main domain has just started kernel
> panic. It happens 3 times (kpanic, restart, two hours of work, kpanic,
> restart), then i upgrade to xen 3.0.1. For one hour it works ok.
> Anyone got this issue?
I didn't get this issue yet.
I get another one which was the Xen running normaly then from one day to
other I can't access domU consoles. It is very weird, restarting machine
back to work.
It's running Xen-3.0.0
Lucas de Souza Santos - 7F8050A6 @ http://subkeys.pgp.net
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