Re: [Xen-users] first steps with xen
Em Qui, 2006-02-02 às 11:05 +0100, flotschi escreveu:
> dear all
> i'm verry knew in using xen.
> i have allready set up an working xen on fc4.
> know to my questions whats the easiest way to set up debian or an
> ubuntu on that system.
when I need install a new system in dom0 I usually use rsync to send the
dom0. By this way you can use other systems (real machines) like source.
So to install a debian like domU you just need to have one machine
running debian (and rsync installed).
> i have also installed a other fc4 as an domu with yum but i think
> therre got some files lost.
> does anybody had the same troubles?
No, when I have to install Xen in RedHat or Fedora I compile it.
Lucas de Souza Santos - 7F8050A6 @ http://subkeys.pgp.net
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