I hope to do so friday or over the weekend.
~ chris
On 5/26/05, aq <aquynh@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 5/26/05, Christian Hergert <christian.hergert@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > I was curious if anyone else was hacking on a gtk front end to xend. I
> > started one on monday in pygtk because the core bindings for xend are
> > written in python. This is both my frist python and pygtk experience,
> > although i am familiar with gtk+. I have a few early screenshots at
> > the following url. There should be descent functionality by friday. I
> > am considering using gnome-vte for console support, but this would
> > definitely prevent running on win32 clients. Although that is not a
> > primary goal of mine, it might be for others. Any ideas, comments,
> > suggestions are welcome.
> >
> > http://people.mosaix.net/chris/images/xenmanager/
> looks cool!! please release the code soon, so people who interest can
> jump in to help out. ;-)
> regards,
> aq
Christian Hergert
Mosaix Communications, Inc.
Software Engineer
C: 253 906 2115
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