Re: [Xen-devel][Xense-devel][PATCH][1/4] Xen Security Modules: XSM
I'm interested in whether this code could be used to supersede IS_PRIV
(dom), particularly when doing an mmu_update operation.
As far as I can see, the xsm_mmu_normal_update() hook is called after
set_foreigndom(). set_foreigndom() will fail if the calling domain is
not privileged (!IS_PRIV(current->domain)) and the operation
specifies a different domain as the foreigndom.
For disaggregation of the domain builder, we would like to be able to
delegate this privilege to a small, trusted domain (domB): it seems
to me that XSM would be the cleanest way to do this. Would it
therefore be possible to add a hook in set_foreigndom() on the !
IS_PRIV(d) branch, or is there some security consequence that I am
Derek Murray.
On 7 May 2007, at 22:41, George S. Coker, II wrote:
Updates in this patch set include:
- adaptation to new create secure interface for domain_create
- cleanup of xsm enable/disable framework through xsm_call macro
- ifdef architecture/config specific hooks
Signed-off-by: George Coker <gscoker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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