Re: [Xen-devel] virtual domain partial boot then crash
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Apologies, but I didn't know how to cross reference this to something else; the
information may be more useful under a different subject heading.
After having enjoyed the CD, and tried many experiments in the following days
trying to get the CD stuff to play off the hard drive I learned the very hard
way: It's very doable but requires a very high level of understanding of very
low level things. PLEASE, save yourself alot of effort and download the
bitkeeper software, retrieve and build xeno-1.1.bk, install it and go from
there. You'll live longer.
the redhat9 used here was built from iso images downloaded from the redhat site. there were no
special configurations done other than installation of java and ant for the (soon to be obsolete)
tools. During installation I specified the network parameters and answered "Yes" to
firewalling with "Medium security". (iptables expert I'm not; I use the configs as
1) you have redhat9 installation on disk which has the new xen and xenolinux
kernels and must successfully be able to boot into it.
2) you have a spare partition in which you have installed another redhat.
Boot into the new (soon to be guest) installation and login.
Run /sbin/chkconfig --list | grep ":on" to see what is running. Using
/sbin/chkconfig --level turn off the hardware dependent and X stuff such as xfs, gpm,
keytables, and especially iptables, __in level 4__. Don't lock yourself out with your
own rules. You can always turn iptables back on.
Edit /etc/fstab and remove any incorrect swaps (redhat loves to include them
all) and make sure you and it know where your mount points are.
Edit /dev/rc.d/rc.sysinit and find the line with /sbin/hwclock and comment it out. (I
like to add the word "NOT" to the second line down that reports the status of
that. Makes me happy.
Using your magic: find a copy of /lib/modules/2.4.22-xeno and cp it to your
guest's /lib/modules directory.
Lastly, edit /etc/inittab and change the initdefault to 4, go down to the
mingettys area and remove the runlevels for 45, go to the bottom and comment
out the x:5:... line.
Note** after those last steps you can still boot; you just won't be able to
talk to it from the console.
Type reboot; wait; come up in your domain0 and your new guest should be
available for booting from the host. The new domain should be useable from the
command line instructions described in the READMEs.
Using these rules I can install a minimal RedHat9 from CD and modify it, ready
to boot as a guest in about 10 minutes.
Hope this is useful to somebody.
Mike Wright
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