Re: [Xen-devel] Please help on Xen installation
> Unfortunately, Xen doesn't check to see that a VGA is present
> before writing to it. I guess this is a bug.
> Have you got a machine where you could download the source tar
> ball and rebuild Xen? If so, disabling VGA console output is easy.
Actually, having given this some thought, I don't think it's the lack
of VGA that is causing problems. Writes to VGA I/O space if there is
no VGA card just get silently dropped. Writes to VGA address space if
there is no VGA card go to memory that we don't use anyway.
I'll give this a go later today (I'll try booting Xen after removing
the video card). I suspect it will work.
Teh random garbage oon the screen is almost certainly a misconfigured
serial line. Was the serial receiver expecteing 9600 baud?
-- Keir
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