Re: [Xense-devel] vtpm_managerd problem
> Hi,
> I am a newbie in tpm virtualization on Xen. I have a working IFX
> Tpm. I have a few questions about the usage of the vtpm_managerd and
> vtpm usage :
> 1 - vtpm_managerd gives that error
> dungeon trousers-CVS # vtpm_managerd
> INFO[VTPM]: Starting VTPM.
> INFO[TCS]: Constructing new TCS:
> ERROR[TXDATA]: TPM open failedERROR in VTPM_Init_Manager at
> vtpm_manager.c:205 code: TPM_IOERROR.
> ERROR[VTPM]: Closing vtpmd due to error during startup.
Did you compile the TPM backend driver? If you compile it as a module do
'modprobe tpmbk' before you start the vtpm_managerd. Also you have to have the
driver for your hardware TPM in the kernel before you start it. Both /dev/vtpm
and /dev/tpm0 have to be there
------ > How can I get the tpm backend driver? Should I re-compile
the dom0 kernel?
> 2 - How can I activate vtpm on domUs? After modprobing the tpm_xenu
> I start trousers on a domU, it gives such an error :
Once you modprobed tpm_xenu, is /dev/tpm0 available?
Did you start you user domain with a running vtpm_managerd and the 'vtpm = ...'
line in the vm config file?
---------> When I modprobe the tpm_xenu, it creates a tpm0 device. But till
now I could not start the vtpm_managerd and therefore this may be deceptive.
Thanks Stefan...
--- Burak
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