On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 10:43 AM, Christian Motschke
<christian@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> Am 08.09.2011 um 09:53 schrieb Rudi Ahlers:
>> Hi all,
>> Has anyone managed to get CentOS 6 domU (i.e. guest) working on a Debian 6
>> do0?
> I never tried CentOS.
>> Both OS's are 32bit and I'm running XEN 4.0.1 with HVM support.
>> A CentOS 5.6 domU works fine on this very same server though.
>> When I start CentOS 6, I get the following error:
>> newusaxen:~# xm create -c /xen/genocide.cfg
>> Using config file "/xen/genocide.cfg".
>> xenconsole: Could not read tty from store: No such file or directory
>> newusaxen:~# Error: Domain 'genocide' does not exist.
> This is a HVM DomU? Maybe the qemu log has some hints
> (/var/log/xen/qemu-dm-*.log)?
Yes, it's a HVM domU. After checking
/var/log/xen/qemu-dm-genocide.log I got the following error:
newusaxen:~# tail -f /var/log/xen/qemu-dm-genocide.log
domid: 9
-c config qemu network with xen bridge for
tap9.0 xenbr0
bridge xenbr0 does not exist!
/etc/xen/scripts/qemu-ifup: could not launch network script
Could not initialize device 'tap'
Some googl'ing suggest that Debian Squeeze doesn't use xenbr0 as
bridge anymore, but eth0 instead.
So I edit the genocide.cfg file and append the vif entry with
"bridge=eth0". So now it starts up, but I can't ping the VPS, nor can
it ping anything from within the VPS.
The instructions I followed are here: http://wiki.debian.org/Xen
And it's a bit unclear as to why there's no xenbr0 bridge device.
So now I need to figure out how to either add a xenbr0 bridge (the
tutorials I got so far are for Debian Lenny, so I don't know if
they'll work, and if it will break anything), or why networking
doesn't when using eth0 as a bridge.
Has anyone gone down the road yet?
What is the correct fix / approach to get HVM guests to have full networking?
Kind Regards
Rudi Ahlers
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