Re: [Xen-users] XCP resource pool
Thanks so much for your great reply. I understood.
--- On Mon, 1/3/11, Henrik Andersson <henrik.j.andersson@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
From: Henrik Andersson <henrik.j.andersson@xxxxxxxxx> Subject: Re: [Xen-users] XCP resource pool To: "inas mohamed" <inas_2003@xxxxxxxxx>, "xenList" <xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Date: Monday, January 3, 2011, 7:27 PM
Not sure if I understood your question but you should think virtual machines are like "real" computers. If you don't add any virtual interfaces, it's same as if you had computer with no interfaces on it. Pif is the physical interface, what you propably should add to your vm's, is virtual interface (vif). I quess there's nothing
wrong about adding a pif to your vm, you could even do some sort of pass throught to dedicate the physical adapter to that particular quest, but generally I think people add vif's. Idea on vif is, that it's bound to physical interface and dom0 routes the traffic to vif's.
About the SR, you obviously need at least one SR to install os for the virtual machine. Well actually you could boot from network and propably could manage with out any storage but I'm quessing this isn't your situation. You can change settings for the storage and networking when you're creating the virtual machine.
Hope any of my ramblings help you.
-Henrik Andersson On 3 January 2011 08:54, inas mohamed <inas_2003@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I am very new to XCP , and I have couple of questions to make things clear.
After creating a resource pool: Do I have to create a SR for each VM, if I needed to assign 100GB HDD for this VM?? Do I have to assign a pif for each VM to distribute the traffic over my hosts NICs or the master will handle this??
Thanks so much for
any help
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