[Xen-users] Virtual Box to XenServer
Hi all
I am trying to migrate a MS Servers 2003 VirtualBox VM to Xen 5.6.
After allot of Googling and trial/error I finally decided to take this path
(which also failed me).
I first convert the .vdi image on a machine running Virtual Box with the
following command:
VBoxManage clonehd win200301.vdi win200301.vmdk -format VMDK
This creates my .vmdk hard drive image without giving errors.
I then copy the image over to my system and use XenConvert 2.2.1 to migrate
this image to my XenServer.
The program converts the VMDK to Xen VHD format and imports the new image
but ends with errors in the log.
Logs show the following:
VMDK to VHD started at 02 November 2010 02:34:52 PM
Converting VMDK to VHD...
Dismounting VHD...
Failed to find device for VHD with Id 2187 Element not found. (0x00000490)
Failed to get the system directory.
Windows directory is WINDOWS
Scanning for BOOT volume...
*** Warning! ***
Failed to find the Windows Boot Volume.
VHD C:\zWorkspace\win200301.vhd was not configured for XenServer.
VM may not boot in XenServer.
Dismounting VHD...
After all this the machine shows up on my XenServer but on boot I get "NTLDR
is missing" error. Thought I would get this due to no Windows Boot Volume
found as per my log entry.
I do not know where my wrong step is that I am taking, I believe the first
Any help will do!
Thanks :)
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