Re: [Xen-users] Aoe or iScsi???
Thanks you again!!
I'll try it!
Em Ter, 2010-07-06 às 15:30 +0200, Adi Kriegisch escreveu:
> Hi!
> > I'm try to replace vblade to ggaoed, but I don't know how to use it...
> > I'm already installed it on server side, but I don't know how use it on
> > client side...
> exactly like vblade -- they're both doing the same thing: provide local
> storage via network using the ATA-over-Ethernet protocol.
> > Perhaps I can use aoetools too???
> Yes, you should install them. They contain useful tools and init scripts
> like:
> aoe-discover -- to start scanning for AoE targets in your network or
> aoe-stat -- to get a list of all available targets.
> Do not forget to have a quick look at /etc/default/aoetools!
> On the client side you only need to load the "aoe" kernel module. The
> version in the kernel is v47 -- upstream[1] already provides version v75.
> I recommend to download and install the newer module version upstream
> provides. (I already created some debian kmod packages for this but they're
> not ready for prime time yet.)
> -- Adi
> [1] http://support.coraid.com/support/linux/
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