Re: [Xen-users] RAID10 Array
> I just ran Bonnie and timed DD on a couple of Linux VMs whilst running Sandra
> on couple of Windows VMs and coincide them to roughly finish at the same time.
> Whichever setup provided decent all round results whilst all were running
> would
> be my choice. The scheduler selection in Dom0 also affected disk performance a
> fair bit.
Hmm... basically bonnie and dd is a good choice -- but you'll only measure
performance in MBps which is not the best choice for network storage. Using
IOPS -- Input/Output Operations per Second -- is way more what you want.
You may use "iostat" on existing servers to get an idea of what your
current workloads are (tps corresponds to IOPS).
> Testing first on the local arrays and tweaking the raid controller settings
> and
> driver along with local IO cache settings would be your first step. Then team
> up your NICs and use something like iperf to tweak your MTU and other settings
> for max bandwidth. Then do the same IOZone tests from a Dom0 using ISCSI and
> try to optimise your ISCSI as best you can. Lastly test from the VM and
> optimise the Xen config as best you can. Splitting the above tasks will allow
> you to work on one area at a time and aim any questions you might have at the
> correct mailing list / forum for each one.
Just a perfect description on what to do: step-by-step and structured!
-- Adi
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