Re: [Xen-users] Rapid Windows Provisioning
Nick Couchman wrote:
I know this is slightly off-topic for this list, but it seems like a good place to ask it...
I'm trying to find a way to rapidly provision Windows-based domUs. I'm very familiar with tools like sysprep, and also have tools available to create "gold images" of the Windows installs and make those available quickly. The primary challenge I'm running into is the machine name and domain membership. I was wondering if anyone knows of a way to change the machine name and join a Windows domain while the computer is booting. Although Microsoft has made great strides in not asking you to reboot after every single operation, computer name and domain membership is one of those tasks that still, curiously, requires a reboot. I'm guessing some of the services need to be restarted after a change of either of these - if I knew which ones, perhaps a boot-time script could be run that would set the machine name, join the Windows domain, and then restart the services that need to be restarted in order for the changes to take effect? Anyway, if anyone can help out with this, I'd a
ppreciate it!
We use partimage-ng for bare-metal restore of syspre'd Server
(sysprep choose a randon name) & we have to the join Domain
We use unattended for fully automated installation which is able to
join a Domain at installation time. We simply need to define some
variable before installation process starts (on of them is the Server
Anyway W$ VM creation is always a pain compared to Linux.
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