We have an issue when execute the next
procedure :
The InputVSC driver requires the Linux Integration Components to
be installed, and supports the same guest distro versions.
To install the InputVSC driver: (you must be root:)
1. Download and attach the .ISO file to a Hyper-V guest with the
Linux Integration Components already installed.
2. Copy the contents of the .ISO to the desired directory
3. Run setup.pl with the inputdriver argument:
# ./setup.pl inputdriver


Thank in advance
Jesús H. Mendez A.
Ingeniero de Soporte LAN
Cel. +57 (3) 313-686-1105

+57 (1) 570 5000 ext: 1274

E-mail jesus.mendez@xxxxxxxxxxxxx


Dir. | Carrera 106 # 15-25 |
Zona Franca | Santafé de Bogotá | Colombia