RE: AW: [Xen-users] Best way to use iSCSI in domU
Interesting. I'd stand back and look at your existing setup before trying to
rebuild with some other storage tech.
In my experience, poor NFS performance is almost always due to
misconfigurations (not your fault - NFS is suprisingly low level and can be
very confusing at times). I have several very large NFS deployments that have
absolutely fantastic performance. NFS is probably already a proven technology
for whatever you're doing.
The number one thing to do is ensure that you have NFS mounted without the
synchronization option turned on. There's also buffer sizes to be calculated
and set. If these are web servers, there is also an Apache directive regarding
kernel caching of files; essentially, you can end up double caching files
without the directive in place.
Thank You,
Nathan Eisenberg
Sr. Systems Administrator
Atlas Networks, LLC
-----Original Message-----
From: xen-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:xen-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Angel L. Mateo
Sent: Sunday, June 21, 2009 11:09 PM
To: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: AW: [Xen-users] Best way to use iSCSI in domU
El vie, 19-06-2009 a las 10:22 -0700, Nathan Eisenberg escribió:
> Honestly, for data that I need shared between multiple Dom0s or DomUs, I use
> NFS, and it still works great.
NFS is not an option. We are doing this to replace a NFS FS because of
poor performance.
Angel L. Mateo Martínez
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